Village Hall

Aerial Radway 04

Village Hall

The Village Hall, formerly known as ‘The Institute’, provides the village with its most valuable community asset. Owned by the village and managed by a group of Trustees, it is a registered charity. It is centrally located providing easy access to all villagers.

Following refurbishment around 2001 there has been on-going fund raising and continued support from the Parish council, to maintain the Hall. The management group encompasses representatives from all user groups and the Parish Council actively encourages villagers to take up community groups, clubs and activities. This aids the village in community spirit and also assists in supporting the Village Hall.


Radway Village Hall
Tysoe Road
CV35 0UE

Village Hall Facilities

Village Hall Facilities include:

  • High-speed fibre optic broadband (250Mbps) with Wifi
  • A projector and screen for presentations and talks
  • Plenty of tables and chairs for users
  • Fully fitted kitchen with fridge, cooker, urns for hot water, and crockery
  • The heating is infra red and is included in the hire charges
  • There is also a sound system that is available to hire in the village hall, and also for external events.

Sound System

The village sound system was purchased with the support of a grant from our County Councillor Chris Williams, and equal contributions from the Parochial Church Council, the Village Hall, and Radway Parish Council.

It can be used in most locations (indoor and outdoor). This sound system can be used for:

  • Illustrated talks
  • Concerts
  • Connect it to your phone by bluetooth to play background music for a party
  • Outdoor PA (e.g. this is used at the village fete)
  • Film nights.

To book, please contact a Village Hall Trustee or Parish Councillor for further details.

Latest Notices

  • Dementia Connect in Warwickshire
    Dementia Connect is a dedicated service to support anyone living with dementia or caring for someone with dementia, providing personalised advice and practical and emotional support, helping you and your loved ones at all stages of dementia.
  • Dementia Support in Warwickshire
    If you need advice and / or support for an urgent issue such as if a person with dementia is at immediate risk or displaying behaviours that are hard to manage, please call: 08081 966 798
  • Home upgrade grant 2
    Don’t miss out on grant funding for insulation or other energy efficiency measures! Check your eligibility!

Village Hall Prices

Considerable effort by past and present members of the Village Hall trustees committee has provided Radway with a smart and flexible community facility which is available for hire by residents of the village and the wider community.

In order to maintain this facility we encourage it to be used, the income generated covers the running costs and the ongoing maintenance programme to keep the Grade II listed Victorian building at its best.

Radway Residents & Charity Events
  • 1 hr minimum charge £10
  • 2 hr charge £14
  • All Day (9am-5pm) £43
  • Subsequent hourly rate £7
Non Residents
  • 2 hr minimum charge £20
  • All Day (9am-5pm) £58
  • Subsequent hourly rate £10
Commercial Rates (residents or non residents)
  • 2 hr minimum charge £32
  • All Day (9am-5pm) £110
  • Subsequent hourly rate £16