Social clubs

Aerial Radway 04

Social clubs


In February 2019, St Peter’s Church launched a weekly tea, chat and play session in the Village Hall on a Wednesday afternoon between 3-5pm. This has become very popular, providing a regular opportunity for folk from the village to come along and meet up with one another over a cuppa and biscuits or cake. Thanks to a grant from the Diocese, there is no charge, and the sessions are open to everyone, from babies to grandparents. For those with young children we provide toys and a space for children to play, while parents can sit and chat. People are welcome to pop in for 10 minutes or to stay for the whole time. 

The sessions are always led by a member of the Church Council who have undergone safeguarding training. 

For more details contact:

Puffin – 01295 678682
Clare Rankin – 01295 670703


This group is held on the second Tuesday of each month between 2-4 pm and is usually held in someone’s home. 

For more details contact:

Lilian Smith-Vincent – 01295 670767
Sandra Wilkins – 01295 670229


This club plays at the Cricket Field, Tysoe Road, Radway. Saturday matches played in South Northants Cricket League from May to August. Occasional Sunday friendly matches are played. Junior teams play in South Northants Junior Cricket League, age groups dependent on player numbers. Winter 6-a-side team play in Banbury Indoor Cricket League. 

For more details contact:

Philip Douthwaite – 07767 641362 or


Radway Book Club has been running for more than 10 years and meets on the last Wednesday of each month. The club, which is free, meets in member’s houses and discuss a different book each month. A wide and varied selection of fiction and non-fiction are read which generate lively and entertaining discussion. Occasionally we invite a local author to discuss their book when a larger venue is used. 

For more details contact:

Julia Winter

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