Parish Council

Radway Parish Council
Radway Parish Council is a publicly elected body of 5 Councillors democratically elected once every four years. The Parish Council helps provide and enhance local services within the Parish and provides a vital link to District and County Councils and other agencies on local issues. It is responsible for things such as the village lighting, mowing of verges, recreation field and village greens and is also asked to comment on planning applications.
The Parish council raises a precept (a local rate) which is collected by the district council as part of the council tax.
Radway Parish Councillors have an active interest and concern for the local community. They represent local people and work in partnership with them and others when necessary. They help facilitate the provision of local services and facilities and take decisions that form the policy of the Council. Councillors are not paid and have to abide by a local government code of conduct and declare their financial interests in the parish. Councillors must also declare a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter under discussion at a parish council meeting. WALC keep the Councillors aware of regular training which is attended where applicable. Find out more about the Parish Councillors.
Community Engagement
The Parish Council meets every other month on the third Thursday and residents are invited to attend. Residents can ask questions or bring issues of concern to the attention of their Councillors but are limited to speak for only 3 minutes each at the start of the meeting. Meetings are held at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
A village assembly held twice a year is another opportunity to have your say. This meeting has no formal agenda with no time restrictions and residents can voice and debate with each other and their Councillors regarding issues that they would like their Parish Council to look into.
Parish Council Meeting minutes and agendas are displayed on the Parish Council notice board just outside the village hall and are also available to download here. Agendas are published a week in advance of Parish Council meetings. Minutes are normally published a week after the Parish Council meetings.
Financial documents, Councillor reports, policies and procedures and other parish documents are also available to download from the website.

Latest minutes & agendas
Parish Council meetings
The next Parish Council meetings are scheduled for:
- 16th January 2025
- 20th March 2025 (7.00pm)
- 17th July 2025
- 18th September 2025
- 20th November 2025
With one exception, all meetings are held at 7.30pm in Radway Village Hall and open to the public who are welcome to attend.