Edgehill bellringers

Aerial Radway 04

Edgehill bellringers

Looking for a new Hobby or challenge?

Why not try Bell Ringing!

  • Fun for all ages
  • Meet new people
  • Be a part of the community
  • Learn a new skill

Contact Graham to arrange a lesson and find out more on 07974 743766.


Top questions:

Is it hard work?

Bell ringing is about skill, not strength, so if you are active you will be able to bell ring without a problem.

Do I have to be religious?

Everyone is welcome, so you do not have to be religious. We ring for services on Sunday mornings and on many other occasions too. Bell ringing is very much a community activity.

Am I too young or old?

There are bell ringers of all ages – 10 – 60’s and beyond. You just have to be active and able to pick up a new skill.

Can I do it as part of the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme?

Yes, it can be both a skill and a service and we have other Duke of Edinburgh students too.

When do you ring?

We ring Monday evenings and Sunday mornings in Kineton. We also ring in other villages from time to time for different occasions.

Can I have a go?

Yes! Find out more by coming to watch, or book a trial lesson with Graham on 07974 743766.

St Peter’s has a ring of five bells, all cast by Robert Stainbank of the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in 1868.

Latest Notices

  • Dementia Connect in Warwickshire
    Dementia Connect is a dedicated service to support anyone living with dementia or caring for someone with dementia, providing personalised advice and practical and emotional support, helping you and your loved ones at all stages of dementia.
  • Dementia Support in Warwickshire
    If you need advice and / or support for an urgent issue such as if a person with dementia is at immediate risk or displaying behaviours that are hard to manage, please call: 08081 966 798
  • Home upgrade grant 2
    Don’t miss out on grant funding for insulation or other energy efficiency measures! Check your eligibility!