Parish Councillors

Aerial Radway

Parish Councillors


Simon Hooker

Chair (Budget, Website/IT, Grounds Maintenance & Street Furniture)


Penny Gardner

Vice Chair (Parish Council Policies, GDPR & Green Issues)


Tim Smith-Vincent

Councillor (Highways)


Clare Rankin

Councillor (Playground Inspections & Crime Prevention)


Colin Mathews

Councillor (Footpaths, Rights of Way & Street Lighting)


Helen Hide-Wright

Clerk & RFO

Tel: 07713 892835
Working Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5pm

County & District Councillors

Chris Mills

County Councillor

The Warwickshire County Council representative for Kineton Division which includes Radway is Councillor Chris Mills.

Malcolm Littlewood

District Councillor

In 2015 the Local Government Boundary Commission completed a review which resulted in the creation of 36 new wards for Stratford District Council.
Radway Parish is part of the new Red Horse ward which also contains the villages of Compton Wynyates, Farnborough, Oxhill, Ratley, Shotteswell, Tysoe, Warmington & Arlescote, and Whatcote.
The councillor for the Red Horse Ward is Councillor Malcolm Littlewood.
Tel: 07514 951174

Parish Council meetings

The next Parish Council meetings are scheduled for:

  • 18th January 2024
  • 12th February 2024
  • 21st March 2024
  • 16th May 2024
  • 18th July 2024
  • 19th September 2024
  • 21st November 2024

All meetings are held at 7.30pm in Radway Village Hall and open to the public who are welcome to attend.